SIGMA Transfersystem

Assembly, production or logistics - the SIGMA transfer system always offers the optimum solution for your application.

From the idea to the transfer system

When investing in transfer systems, an optimal price/performance ratio is the key to success.

The ever shorter product lifecycles require a modular and flexible design of systems that guarantee a high degree of reusability. The simple design of Sigma transfer systems allows them to be used in a wide range of applications. The system was primarily developed for linking manual, semi-automated and fully automated processes. Thanks to its open structure, the system can be easily and flexibly adapted to changing production figures and variants.

The Sigma transfer system can be ordered in individual modules, as complete assembly or as a transfer system with wiring, software and order management.


7 System sizes

Einfacher Aufbau

Flexibly expandable

Robust drive chain

Long service life

Low wear

Low maintenance


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Alle Module auf einen Blick

Das breite Modulsortiment des Sigma Transfersystems garantiert höchste Flexibilität bei Änderungen der Räumlichkeiten, der Produktionszahlen oder der Produktionsabläufe. Lange, mit hohen Kosten verbundene Rüst- und Umrüstzeiten und damit verbundene Zwangspausen werden vermieden. Die Lieferung des Transfersystems erfolgt, auf Kundenwunsch, entweder fertig montiert oder, bereit zum Selbstaufbau, modular vormontiert.

Drive modules

90° / 180° drives drive the standard chain continuously (up to 60 m in length). One drive is required per cycle.

Linear modules

For connecting and guiding the chain between different modules.

Chain tensioners

Ensure the necessary chain tension. Used from a chain length of approx. 20 m or more or from a total of more than 720° direction changes. Pneumatically adjusted.

Idler fixed

45° / 90° / 180° fixed deflections to change direction.

Idler rolling

45° / 90° / 180° rolling deflections to change direction. Reduced resistance between transport chain and deflection by rollers.

Idler rotary

90° / 180° rotating deflections to change direction. Significantly reduced resistance between transport chain and deflection due to rotating deflection wheels.

Intersection modules 1

Enable the workpiece carrier to be diverted to a parallel secondary section in the smallest of spaces and with minimum control effort.

Intersection modules 2

Enable the connection between a main and secondary circuit in the smallest of spaces and with minmium control effort.

Intersection modules 3

Enable two circuits to be connected. The drives of the standard chain per circuit are already integrated in the module and therefore the drive modules are not required for both circuits.

Intersection modules 4

Enable the connection between a main and secondary circuit with simultaneous running in and out of the secondary circuit through the two short belt sections.

Intersection modules 5

Enable the connection between two circuits with a buffer section that is variable in length.

Cross modules

Guide workpiece carriers from one circuit to another. For example, to bypass cells, workstations or manual workstations.

Turntable modules

For connecting two circuits with opposite running direction.

Linear conveyor modules

Autonomous secondary lines with their own drive. These are connected to the circuit via cross travel modules.

Cross transfer modules

Guide workpiece carriers to a second parallel circuit or a parallel belt.

Circuit transfer modules

Connect two circuits without any control effort and small space requirement, thus two circuits can also be connected with different chain speeds.

Soft motion conveyor

Enable a freely programmable speed, gentle vibration-free stopping and acceleration of the workpiece carriers, reduction of cycle times, reversibility.

Support modules

Serve to support the longitudinal section modules, available in all system widths. Also available as an expandable version for two sections, as shown.

Offset modules

Extend the possibilities and flexibility in layout and concept design even further. Can be adapted to project and customer specifications.

Chain deflection modules

Enable access or machining of workpieces from below.

External part remover

Serves to remove foreign bodies, dirt and dust on, next to and below the transfer chain. Available in two versions or according to customer requirements.

Manual workstations

Serve as an assembly surface or as a storage compartment for tools and assembly materials. Ergonomic, smart and easily integrated into the transfer system.

Chain tensioner linear

Ensure the necessary chain tension, does not require 2×90° or 180° deflection as the chain tension is ensured lengthwise. Pneumatically adjusted.


Workpiece carriers transport the workpiece on the transfer system.

Indexing modules

Centring and positioning of stopped workpiece carriers in a defined position. (+/- 0.06 mm)

Indexing modules

Centring and positioning of stopped workpiece carriers in an elevated defined position. (+/- 0.06 mm)

Indexing modules

Centring and positioning of stopped workpiece carriers in a defined, precise position. (+/- 0.02 mm)

Stop modules

Used for controlled stopping (fixed) and release of workpiece carriers.

Stop modules

Used for controlled stopping (damped) and release of workpiece carriers.

Overtaking modules

Enable centring and positioning of the stopped workpiece carriers (+/- 0.04 mm), while other workpiece carriers can continue to travel simultaneously. This advantage saves outfeeds.

System structure

The transfer system with only one chain profile and two side profiles impresses with its simple and clear system structure.

The drive mechanism

The transfer chain is guided through a chain wheel within a 90° or 180° deflection module. This is driven by a spur gear motor. Power is transmitted via the 10 mm steel pins in the chain links. A mechanical, adjustable slip clutch serves as overload protection and is specially adjusted for each drive system. The desired chain speed is achieved with appropriate gear ratios. The speed can be continuously adjusted within a range of ± 20% by means of a frequency converter.

The transport mechanism

A robust plastic chain serves as a means of transport for the workpiece carriers, which are fed to the workplaces and stations according to the control sequence. The workpiece carriers are transported by friction between the sliding shoe and the chain. In the manual workstations or in front of the automatic stations, the workpiece carrier can be stopped by a stop module. Meanwhile, the chain transports the remaining workpiece carriers in the circuit. In the stations, the workpiece carrier is lifted from the chain by a centring module and precisely positioned.


Alle Grössen auf einen Blick

bis 8kg

Gewichtsaufnahme über Kette

Bis 8 kg Werkstückgewicht werden leichte Werkstückträger eingesetzt:

  • ST-600 – Systembreite 90 mm
  • ST-700 – Systembreite 160 mm
  • ST-710 – Systembreite 210 mm
  • ST-715 – Systembreite 260 mm

Bei diesen wird das Gewicht von Werkstück, Werkstückaufnahme und Werkstückträger direkt von der Kette aufgenommen.

bis 150kg

Gewichtsaufnahme über Seitenprofile

Ab 8 kg Werkstückgewicht werden schwere Werkstückträger eingesetzt:

  • ST-815 – Systembreite 260 mm
  • ST-820 – Systembreite 360 mm
  • ST-840 – Systembreite 460 mm

Die Last des Werkstücks, der Werkstückaufnahme und des Werkstückträgers werden durch Schwenkrollen aufgenommen, welche auf den Seitenprofilen aufliegen; auf die Kette wirkt nur eine Federbelastung von ca. 2 x 40 N.


Werkstückträger Grössen

Individuelle Werkstückträger in verschiedenen Grössen nach Mass! Unsere hochwertigen Träger bieten maximale Flexibilität für Ihre Anforderungen. Egal, ob Sie kleine Bauteile oder grosse Werkstücke bearbeiten, wir fertigen Träger nach Ihren Wünschen. Sie sind frei von 80 x 80 mm bis 500 x 2000 mm, mit individuellem Bohrbild für Ihr Produkt. Präzise, robust und anpassungsfähig – unsere Werkstückträger unterstützen effiziente Arbeitsprozesse. Kontaktieren Sie uns für massgeschneiderte Lösungen und optimieren Sie Ihre Fertigungsabläufe. Qualität, die Ihren Anforderungen entspricht!

Technische Daten

  • Bruchlast der Kette 20 000 N
  • Umgebungstemperatur – 20°C bis + 90°C
  • Länge max. 60m Kettenlänge pro Antrieb
  • Kettengeschwindigkeit 70 / 169 / 253mm/s oder Kundenspez.
  • Motorenleistung 180 / 370 / 550 / 750W
  • Nennspannung 3 x 400 V 50 Hz
  • Schutzart IP 54
  • Systembreiten 90 mm bis 460 mm
  • Werkstückträgergrössen 80 x 80 mm bis 450 x 1 700 mm
  • Werkstückgewichte bis max. 150 kg pro Werkstückträger
  • Zentriergenauigkeit ± 0.06mm und ± 0.02mm
  • Auf Wunsch ESD-kompatibel


For Inquiries:

Rodotec AG
Mühlebachstrasse 5
CH-6370 Stans

+41 41 618 33 44

Contact us. We will be happy to advise you.